Politics stuff

Like Taylor's Version, there should be Politics (Abben's Version) on numerous subjects, where I set everything right once and for all and we all come together and stop debating. Me and Taylor, together forever. 

So I'm gonna get going on that. In the meantime, some valuable things that should be out there:

- Your local organizations desperately need you and will benefit from you being there (and here's why)
- You should visit your state legislature (and here's why)
- Both sides are not the same (and here's why)

Some resources that I think should exist, but don't:
- A Talk Origins style index and refutation of common things said by the alt-right
- Same, but for Trump 2024
- Same, but for anti-renewable energy stuff (a fun new frontier in misinformation)
- Prediction tracker (Wrong Tomorrow used to exist and it was great)
- Slow-walk through Who Was Right in major debates that occured far enough in the past that the evidence is in. Pro and anti Civil Rights act, Vietnam, the Iraq war.